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Welcome to A Call to Order’s Blog

Welcome to A Call to Order’s blog.  I started A Call to Order in 2008 when my husband retired from the Army and we moved back to Colorado Springs from Williamsburg, VA.  My son was a newborn, and even though my husband had retired from the Army, he still worked for the Army as a contractor teaching ROTC.  Unfortunately, he wasn’t teaching in Colorado Springs, he was teaching 90 miles away in Boulder! For my own sanity I needed to work, but also had to be able to work on my own schedule.   I wanted a business I could call my own, and I have a passion for organizing.  Voila! A Call to Order was born.

I’ve seen the destruction and stress that disorganization and clutter can put on a family.  I grew up in a household that was overrun with clutter.  Whether it’s an issue with time management, clutter or hoarding it can strain relationships and make life harder.  My goal is to help you find solutions that work for you, not set up a generic system and tell you to follow it.

Being organized isn’t the goal.  Being organized is the set of tools that you use to enable you to do things in life that are important to you.  If you want to be consistently on time for your daughter’s softball game, you need to be organized with your time.  If entertaining is something you love to do, but you are ashamed to let people in your home because it is overrun with papers, we will work with you on a system to identify what papers are important, and how to store them effectively.

Sometimes we are disorganized because we are simply overwhelmed with everything that we need to do, or everything that we have.  Sometimes we are disorganized because of an underlying condition such as traumatic brain injuries or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  I am not a therapist, I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist.  What I am is someone who has learned how different systems and routines can effectively help you become organized so that you can deal with everything else in your life.

Going forward, this blog will not be your typical blog about organizing.  I’m not just going to show you cool organizing products and systems.  Or only give you instructions on how to organize your closet, garage or pantry.  Yes, you’ll get some of that.  But we’ll also talk about the end game, the why you want to be organized.  About what you want to have time to do, instead of sorting through stacks of mail to find the bill you need to pay.  Sometimes I’ll share a recipe that I’ve found, or a poem that makes you think.  I want your feedback and your input.

When you look at your life today, what is the one thing you would most like to do that being more organized would help you do?  Let me know in the comments, and we can talk about it in future, until then Welcome to A Call to Order’s blog.

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