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May is Senior Move Management Month

Imagine this – your 80-year-old mother is still living in your childhood home, but now she’s alone. You’re concerned, her memory is failing, and her health isn’t good. You know it’s time for her to move to an assisted living facility, but the task of cleaning out her house is daunting. What do you keep? What happens to all those memories? Mom’s resisting letting go of things. This is a situation many people face every year. Let’s face it, our population is getting older. Baby Boomers are becoming seniors. According to the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM), by 2030 over one-fifth of the U.S. population will be elderly. Those over the age of 85 are the fastest growing segment. Even though we are staying healthier longer, our lifestyles still change as we age. No longer do we need the five-bedroom house, or the big yard. The upkeep becomes too much. But the task of moving quickly becomes overwhelming. What do I do with all this stuff? What can I keep? How do I arrange for movers, cleaners, Realtors, home stagers?  This is where a Senior Move ManagerÒ can help.

Whether downsizing to a smaller place or moving to a senior community such as assisted living or skilled nursing campus, there are special challenges for seniors. It can be an emotionally charged time. Many seniors have lived in their homes for 20, 30, even 50 years. They have accumulated a lifetime of belongings and memories and need to downsize considerably. Often, they have no children, or their children live far away. Many times, the children do not want all the possessions their parents have gathered over the years. Although Mom loves milk glass, her daughter doesn’t. Dad has a garage full of tools, but so does his son. As a Senior Move ManagerÒ, we can help make decisions on what to keep, and how to dispose of what needs to go away. From planning for the move, to helping the senior settle in to their new place, we can take a great deal of the stress out of this transition. We help seniors retain control of the whole process, so they don’t feel like they are being steamrolled. Decisions are theirs to make, and we help guide them through.



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