
Four areas that need organizing in your car


These days, we spend a lot of time in our car, our ride, our mode of transportation. If it’s not commuting to the office, it might be dropping the kids to school or the next practice in the endless schedule. Americans have made their windshield a part of the daily routine.

How much scenery do you view through it everyday?

The over clutter that we have in our homes has spilled into our errand running chariots.

 The Glove Compartment: Here is a quick cheat sheet of things to keep in the glove compartment of any vehicle. Current registration, current insurance information, owners manual, tire information, roadside assistance, a pen, paper and flashlight. This space should be clear, so important information can easily be found when those unexpected incidents happen.

The Center Console: The proverbial catch-all of stuff. From loose change to straw wrappers, it has become a hidden hole of despair. A couple of easy fixes are silicone cupcake liners in cup holders. When they get dirty just put them in the dishwasher for a cycle. Use zip top plastic bags for different categories: first-aid, change, candy/gum, etc. A small accordion pocket is great for coupons, receipts, and mileage.

 The Trunk: Cargo areas are always a challenge. This is where anyone and everyone can be the most creative. It can be as simple as a plastic tote or box to hold things from running around. Nets have become more popular with odd shaped sporting equipment. Hooks and canvas bags on the backs of headrests are another solution or a combination of several options.

Containing the Kids: Corralling children in general is interesting. Experience and many trials with errors. The back of the seat is great if the child is older and can reach the items. If not, makeup a bin of goods and activities that will go on the seat. Make it a game to see how fast they can put things back into place when you get to your destination. Picture labels work well for non-readers.

Everyone is different in how they live, play and utilize their individual vehicle. Plan your space for your lifestyle and the items which will serve you best. If you need more suggestions or struggle in areas A Call to Order – Professional Organizers is a tremendous resource for living a more simple and rewarding life.

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