Many Foods for Donation

Do I need a Senior Move Manager?

1. Senior Move Managers are third-party observers.  If you’re anxious about your loved ones’ move, they might pick up on it—and talk you into keeping more things than they have room for. If your relationship is already strained, going through their things can add to the stress, especially if they feel that you’re bossing them around. A dispassionate senior move manager can often find a happy medium.

2. Senior Move Manager are experienced.

Move managers know which are the reliable moving companies, how to put together a successful moving sale and where to find great cleaning services. Not only that, but they’ve done this many times before and know how to solve problems you may not have anticipated.

3. Senior Move Managers can help you save money.

Although senior move managers’ services can be expensive (a move may cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 depending on the project) they are usually a good investment. Consider the time you’d have to take off work, the plane ticket you’d have to buy to get to your aging family member—costs like these add up quickly. Senior move managers also know what items are valuable and what aren’t. That necklace your family member has in storage could be worth a lot more than you think!

4. Senior Move Managers save you time.

You and your loved one might spend hours deciding whether or not to keep certain possessions because of an emotional attachment to them. Since senior move managers have gone through this countless times, they know how to efficiently move a household.

5. Senior Move Managers offer your aging loved one more control.

A senior move manager recognizes that since this is your parent’s move, they are the ones to talk to. They also know that it’s hard for your parent or loved one to part with possessions they may have had for 30 to 50 years. As professionals, they’ll help your special person through the emotional and physical aspects of relocation while keeping the process moving. And they’re more likely to find the best solution for every piece they want to keep.

6. Senior Move Managers help after the move.

It may be hard for you to get an aging adult situated if you have to fly home or go back to work right away after the move. A senior move manager can make sure they are set up in their new residence, setting up the rooms and arranging their possessions so they are most comfortable.

If you’re interested in hiring a senior move manager, find the resources you need through A Call to Order – Professional Organizers or National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM).

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