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Clients With Special Needs

Many disabilities can cause special challenges for getting and staying organized…

And yet organization helps the individual with special needs cope better with the disability. It’s a paradox that A Call to Order can help you with. Chronic Disorganization, which often results from a disability, is defined by the Institute for Challenging Disorganization as “having a past history of disorganization in which self-help efforts to change have failed, an undermining of current quality of life due to disorganization, and the expectation of future disorganization.” It takes special skills to successfully work with many of these individuals. It can also take a great deal of compassion and understanding.

A Call to Order works to achieve the best possible solutions, without putting people in a box, and without judgment. We work with clients on both time management disorganization and space disorganization. Some of the areas A Call to Order specializes in are:

ADD/ADHD in teens and adults. A Call to Order can be added to the team that works with an ADD/ ADHD individual. We will work alongside your specialists, therapists and medical professionals to assist in treatment. We strive to achieve the best possible outcome in your space.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Dealing with someone who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be difficult for a family. Someone who is OCD will often become a hoarder when their compulsion is for “things.” A Call to Order works as part of the team to clear the physical space, and help establish boundaries for possessions.

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